Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Part-Time Life

Working retail can come to feel repetitive at times if you are going into work day after day being surrounded by the same product. This is why I enjoy working Mondays, Fridays and Sundays! I get to go into work and usually there is new product that I can look through and basically "study" so that I can sell it. I feel like merchandise is constantly being changed around since this is mostly being done on days that I am not there, which keeps the store and my mindset refreshed. It is always enjoy arriving at work and seeing what's new, especially since all of the summer-wear is piling in.

A downside to this is that I do not know the customers that come in regularly as well as some of the other employees. I usually end up selling product to shoppers who have never been in the store before or who have not been in recently. I work with really great women and they all have such amazing relationships with their regular customers and that is encouraging and motivating for me to one day have the same. I've been working at Knit Wit for close to 7 months and I have found it to be true that it takes time to build customer-employee relationships especially when I am so much younger than the typical customer that comes in and goes through with a sale. Overall I like the part-time life because it gives me the time to get a feel for the work life while still being in school!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand the idea of studying a product to be able to sell it. Knowing what your store offers is key to being a great salesperson!
