Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 1 @ Co-Op

My first day of Co-Op started today at DYLANLEX. Dylanlex is located in Philadelphia which made it a lot easier to commute from university city campus. It was nervous and exciting at the same time to start my first internship but the first day of Co-op grew my excitement. The owner of Dylanlex and my mentor, Drew, was very cool and patient with helping me learn the tasks that would be completed. Today was my first day working at Dylanlex and I already learned a lot about the company. She taught me how to do returns and repairs of items that customers or companies have purchased or loaned. I was also in charge of blogging through Dylanlex's instagram which helped stimulate the creative side. She also taught me about the different vendors that create different pieces of jewelry that contribute to the collection. Already on my first day, I was able to learn about the collection and a lot of tasks that considered my responsibility. She even trusted me enough to let me work on my own pace. Even though most tasks were simple, Drew encouraged me to contribute any ideas or thoughts towards her company which made it very welcoming for me to feel like I was a part of the team not just an intern. I am excited to use my skills and creative thinking to contribute. I am looking forward to the next 6 months and experiencing more!


  1. Hi Sarah! Looks like you had a great first day. I'm sure running the DYLANLEX instagram account will not only be fun but will challenge you to think creatively about marketing through social media. It's awesome that you feel more like part of the team rather than just an intern.

  2. I think it's so cool that you're able to share your own thoughts and ideas into the brand! Not every co-op let's interns do that, so that's really awesome. I feel like you're getting so many different opportunities out of this which is great.
