Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Market Week and New Interns!

Well I have now been with Elie Tahari for TWO months already! Time really does fly. For the past week the sales team has been working with the design team on creating looks and preparing the new pre-spring 2013/2014 collection for market. This is how the sales team gets to know the product that they will push to the buyers from a variety of department stores and specialty store. It begins with the viewing of the collection, then moves on to putting together looks and picking the bests ones. We hope that with these looks, buyers will be more enticed to purchase more garments from the line, seeing that many pieces work well together. At first I was only helping with models, but then the team asked me to give my opinion on looks and even gave me the option to create my own!

On another note, for almost the past month I have been the only intern in the sales department (domestic and international) since the other interns went home for the summer. So I have been helping not only with the domestic side, but also the international. It has been a great experience to be able to work with both sides and see how each work and differ from each other. But now we have two new interns and another on the way! Since the members of the sales team are extremely busy with prepping for market, I was the one they turned to in helping the new interns learn how things work and their new responsibility. One of my co workers even deemed me "head-intern", which I laughed at but in a way it is true. It was so cool that I could teach these two girls everything I learned, give them tips and pointers, and reassure them that "yes it is a lot, but you will know it in a heartbeat". Probably more comforting coming from a fellow intern, rather than a coworker.

stay tune for more market week/intern updates!

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