Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Change of Pace

As I sit in the hotel room at the Sheraton, the few remaining hours left spent with my parents are approaching. I do crave the independence that living on my own and having to 'answer to no one' brings, however, I cannot say that I won't miss the warmth and comfort of being surrounded in an environment with family and familiarity over winter break. 

Though I have had a break from Drexel for the past couple of weeks, I still have projects to do as my responsibility for my job never stops. This keeps my brain active, alert and on top of things. Though I am staying in the hotel room tonight with my parents, it is no vacation, there is work that needs to be done. As funny as it seems, sitting at the desk with my dad by my side and my mom snoring in the background, I could not envision a better way to end our last night together. My mom got to watch her favorite shows on television while my father and I sit staring away at our own screens and consumed in our own working worlds. While I have been at home for a couple weeks I have had a bedroom to myself where I do all my graphics for Alex and Ani Entertainment, and as I sit next to my father I realize that it is nice to have company even when you are sitting in your own world fulfilling your individual responsibilities. It is nice to be proximal to real people while I am consumed with my online life! 

I have never been one to resort to the library as my place to do work. To be honest, it provides more of a distraction than concentration. With all the people walking by, having conversations at various voice levels, typing away on their keyboards, running into familiar faces, I usually end up wanting to leave not shortly after I get there. I prefer the atmosphere of my bedroom where I can stay in my pajamas and my own natural habitat. Sitting next to my father typing away, however, reminds me of my work atmosphere while I was on Co-op. I shared a desk with my co-worker Gina, and though we were next to each other proximally, much time was spent in our individual focused states trying to be efficient as possible with the time we have in our work day. We both got along so well and had great conversations however we just as easily could resort to our own positions in our shared quarters and focus on our tasks for the day. This balance is extremely necessary and I appreciate our working dynamic. It is nice to be taken back to an old memory by one that is sitting right next to you at the present moment. Maybe next time I have a project to do I will venture elsewhere in new surroundings versus locking myself up in my bedroom! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Adria, I totally agree. I also feel that I am so much more focused in my bedroom alone rather than in a crowded library with various whispers. Sometimes I think it's the fashionista's in us, but whenever I try to study in Starbucks or in a library I always feel myself getting distracted by what people are wearing. I can't help but look around the room checking everyone's outfits out. When I see something I like (which happens at least once) I imagine my own closet and how I would wear that top and drift off into a completely different world. So if it makes you more comfortable and more focused to study and work in your room, I wouldn't change a thing!
