Sunday, August 4, 2013

Continuing My Internship

Today I found out that I will be continuing my internship while back at school, as most of my job can be done through the great power that is technology. I am very happy to still be a part of the team while I am not with them, and it will make my job a whole lot easier if I end up back there next summer after graduation (fingers crossed). This way I will not miss a whole year of activity, converted to social media time and that's more like a decade. The pressure of landing a good job after graduation is increasingly higher, and I have been nervous about the struggle. I am extremely blessed with this opportunity and extremely thankful. While at school I will still continue to manage Colour of London's social media, I will communicate with the band on a daily basis, I will still send in my daily accomplishments to my bosses, and I will still complete a weekly time record and submit to payroll at the end of each week. Only this time, I will be doing it 250 miles away from my coworkers. It's astonishing what technology has done for us as a society; there's always a way to make things happen, there's always another option. I am happy that I will not be closing the book on this chapter of my life, as I am not ready to leave it behind. This job has become a part of me, as I have become a part of this job. I am a key member in our division and the fact that they want to keep me around while I am away means a lot. I am lucky that I applied when I did, timing may be everything, but your experience is everything and more.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a very exciting opportunity! It is great to be able to stick with a company for a while, to see how it grows and changes. I feel that many people are able to work from other locations because of the power that technology has today. Through email and instant messaging services, it is easy to keep in constant contact. I am very happy for you!
