Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Good Morning

The office is buzzing with people. I thrive in this environment. The mumble of conversations can be heard mixed with phones ringing, coffee brewing, people rushing by spreading good morning greetings. Morning is in the air and everyone is awake, alive, and ready to get work done. It's hard to have a bad morning in this place, it's hard not to feel motivated and happy to start the day. 

The people here are so kind. The authenticity can be felt in their warm, inviting smile. I knew the first day that I walked into this place and received a tour of headquarters that this would be an environment that fosters creativity, learning, and expression. Little did I know how attached I would become to these people, this company. This office creates a harmonious balance between employee personal expression and company representation, advocating their employees to be themselves trusting in their judgment and professionalism in respect to the brand reputation. The short amount of time that I have worked here I have become acquainted with my surroundings and formed a bond with my fellow employees. I look forward to seeing them each day and will truly miss this place and my routine when I am gone.

On another note, the band is coming into town this Thursday and will be performing 3 shows while they're here. It's exciting to actually spend time with the people you devote you're day working for, you'd be surprised at how much you get to know someone just by being in their physical presence, that is something that our relationship lacks however we constantly communicate with one another daily to make up for it. When you are the online voice of someone, getting a good solid sense of who they are is key. At least to me it is. It's extremely important that I pick up on their mannerisms and quirks, the 'real' stuff that distinguishes one person from the next, the stuff you find out without them coming right out and saying it. This shall be an exciting weekend, and I am looking forward to it! I am excited to see them, as this will be the last hoorah before I go back to school. Be sure to visit Colour of London on Facebook to see what we're up to!

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1 comment:

  1. It is funny how many offices are very similar. Mine is also buzzing in the morning, employees catching up on events the night before, talking about the latest celebrity gossip and strategizing together for projects that day. I have come to realize that working in an open environment is so much better than a quiet, closed one. It is great to hear people chatting and excited about the work that they are doing. I am really going to miss this when I leave co-op but now I have realized that this is something that is essential for me when looking for a job after graduation.
