Friday, August 30, 2013

Fashion Week Preparations

With Fashion Week quickly approaching, it is interesting to see how differently Elle and LGC prepare. While Elle is responding to emails with RSVP's for editors, LGC is worrying about sending out invitations, keeping track of RSVP's and going through final seating plans. 

In the days leading up to fashion week, I am finding myself busier at LGC, assisting them with invitations while also helping them with other client work. It's busy weeks like the past few that make me realize how much I really do enjoy public relations.

It is hard to believe that I will be attending my first fashion week this year. I am so glad that my first experience will include all of the backstage hustle and bustle. I hope everyone has a great fashion week! 

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, Alex! You have to tell me all about your Fashion Week experience! The big question is, what will YOU be wearing?!
