Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Winter Shoes

When working in a luxury retail store I have learned why in fact some brands are referred to as luxury. At the store I work at, Dusica Dusica, the designer who is from Serbia but studied in Italy started her brand by designing shoes. She started with only a shoe line and was successful with shoes for about ten years. About two years ago she started a clothing line which has only made her brand more successful and well known. Her shoes are her specialty and her passion which shows when you try them on. As the winter deliveries start to roll in she has each employee try on each new shoe in their size to be sure the sizing is right before we sell them to the customers. This is a good practice because if the sizing or anything on the shoes are wrong then we will find out right away. All of her shoes are handmade in Italy, this means that they could vary a little from size to size because they are handmade from start to finish. She uses leather and suede from Italy that she sources herself which shows in the quality of the shoe. Many times she uses the leathers that are used in gloves and clothing so that the shoes are very soft and comfortable. I tried on some of the winter shoes below so you can see what they look like on a foot. There are multiple ways that you can wear each shoe too, so I tried to show multiple views!




  1. Thats really awesome that the designer takes so much time and thought into all of her shoes. Its so cool that you get to try all of them on and they are super cute!

  2. They are darling! Even though they vary slightly, what size do you buy in them compared to your US size?
