Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Springtime Changes

I love the late spring early summer time. Not only is it right around the time of my birthday (two weeks!), but the weather is gorgeous and everyone is in a good mood. It's impossible to be grumpy when it's 75 degrees and sunny out. I've always felt like the spring brings about a fresh newness more so than New Years. Things are alive and growing again, and people are out and about.

This spring I'm making a huge change and moving to the big city. After discussing it with my parents and finding a great apartment I'm taking the leap and ending my time as a commuter. As my move in date approaches I'm getting nervous. What if I hate living in New York? I've dreamed about this city for as long as I can remember, what if it's not for me? Being away from my friends, my boyfriend and the familiar streets of Philly will be a huge adjustment for me.

As someone who isn't crazy about change, I have to say I'm quite nervous. I keep telling myself it's only three months and then I will be back in Philadelphia completing my senior year. And who wouldn't want to live in New York City for the summer? This year has already flown by, I know the summer will too. Philly is only two hours away and I'm currently managing to go back and forth three days a week so it's not like I won't be back. And knowing me, I'll be dreading moving back in September!

More update's on the move next week!

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