Thursday, May 29, 2014

Two Months down, One to go

Today marks my two month anniversary with the most wonderful country, Ireland. It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that in just one short month, I will be returning to Jersey to start my summer of commuting into the city. I will be living three days a week with my older sister in Montclair, New Jersey, making my commute into Krupp Group less time consuming. While the other half of my summer weeks, I will be living at my Mom's new house and working in a town called Deal at a retail store that I have been employed at for the past four years.  I am excited for this split schedule. I get the best of both worlds really. I will be in the city working at my top choice employer and then be at beach on my off hours from my retail job.
This was my first Memorial Day weekend in twenty two  years that I did not spend at the family barbecue or at my beach. I have to say, it was a weird feeling but I would not trade my experience for anything! However, with that said, I am excited for the next American holiday that I will be home. July 4- watching fireworks in the sand!
As all of my childhood friends are graduating this month, I have realized that transferring to Drexel was one of the best decisions I have made. If I were to be graduating with my class of 2014 at Ithaca College with a Bachelor's Degree in Business, I would be absolutely lost right now as to what my next move was. I feel bad for some of these twenty two year olds who are completely at a loss for which direction is up. One of my good friends at IC got in touch with me the other day saying that she was so confused as to what to do next and that she wished she followed her passion as I did regardless of what others thought. I remember telling my friends there that I was going to transfer into our program at Drexel and one girl replied with, "No 'good' jobs come out of having a degree in fashion." Instead of going with my first instinct which was to do physical damage....I simply gave her the Westphal URL and let her see for herself. The co-op program speaks volumes and after completing only a third of it, I know exactly where I want to see myself in the future. I was a little disappointed about not graduating on time, however the experience and knowledge I have gained and continue to gain in Philly, NYC, and Dublin are well worth the extra six months!

Definitely not missing that nasty blue cast! 


  1. Samantha,
    It sounds like you really have loved your experience but are also ready to head back home. Your schedule seems to be pretty busy for the summer but at least you won't be bored! I hope you are excited about the second half of your co op and enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first!
    - Josie

  2. Samantha,

    Everything about your time abroad sounds really incredible. Are you working for a different company when you return or is it the same one just different location?

  3. I am working for a different company when I am in Manhattan. My experience is going to be polar opposites, I already know! But I am excited!
