Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Wish Come True- These Weeks Are Flying!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week! I know I enjoyed mine.

Week four started out the same as any other, with invoices, samples, and filing. I did a lot of markers and costing this week as well. The Chicago show went really well for those who went. I was told that certain styles were raved about! This means there will be a lot of orders coming in!

The one thing I find I really enjoy about my job is that I can wear jeans one day and a dress the next. I can still wear my own personal style. This is just a perk that I have come to appreciate!

My boss, Erika, left early Tuesday because she got married yesterday. This pushed down the chain of command slightly, and so I did more markers and size-sets in order to help out the other women. I am really becoming a pro at yields!

I have also noticed that when it comes to working with older women, there is a lot to learn from them. Sometimes, I feel so young around them! Especially when they begin speaking about how long they have been working there. This one woman has been a marker maker for 17 years! But their experience has really given them patience with me and allowed them to understand that I began four weeks ago and they have been working there for years!

A job just opened up in the marker department though. So if anyone is interested in working with the markers and enjoys math and computers, they should contact A Wish Come True!

I still am enjoying my job, and I really like the people that I work with!

Read more next week!


  1. What exactly does a marker do? Does it involve pattern making?

  2. Yes, actually! A marker maker is someone who takes the "markers" and looks at how many of the style and size has to be cut. Then they figure out how to place the pattern pieces for each fabric in the most efficient way. There is a decent amount of math involved. There is a woman there who has done it for 17 years and really enjoys it! So it must not be that bad!
