Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Wish Come True- Week Two!

Hey guys!

It has already been two weeks! I cannot believe how quickly they went by already!

Week two at A Wish Come True was not as busy as I had thought it would be! In fact, I found myself practically begging for work! I finished up putting every size label from the 2013 collection into the care label spreadsheet, which was expected to take me much longer than it did. I worked on the rest of the yields and costing on the rack that Rachael, one of my co-workers and cube-mate, had for me. I also helped out Stephanie, a Drexel alum and former co-op in 2004, with finding the accessories and appliques to add to the almost finished costumes before they could be signed off and ready for stock. I filed samples, sketches, and paperwork. But the issue seems to be that I work too quickly! For me, once I get the hang of doing something correctly, it takes no time at all! No one had much for me to do this week so I was sent to Customer Service to do filing and then onto the floor to cut flowers for barrettes and tiaras. I enjoyed this because I felt as though I really was taking part in the production. I even was allowed to listen to music while doing this task!

The rest of the week consisted of me completing my tasks and learning how to pace myself rather than speed through things. I realized that I was allowed to take my time, and sometimes quadruple check my work. I even was given a task of deleting certain codes from the website if we no longer had the items in stock! That was a lot of responsibility! But I am hoping that I can prove that I can handle a lot of responsibility carefully! 

One of the fun discussions that I had with my co-workers is about Halloween! It is a huge deal in the office and everyone is encouraged to dress up that day for work. I mean, we are a costume company! I looked at some photos from past years and realized everyone goes all out! I really need to come up with an awesome costume this year for work. The only problem is that I have not decided yet. Along with dressing up, we will have a mini photo shoot and a pot luck lunch! I am really excited for Halloween now!

This weekend, a few of the designers and pattern makers flew to Atlanta for a trade show. They explained to me that they get the opportunity to actually meet their customers in person and find out people's feedback. I am interested in hearing about how the trade show went tomorrow! I am sure I will learn a lot about how this affects the company and if they acquired new clients!

Everyone is still very kind, so it was not just a first week impression! I feel really comfortable in my little cube and cannot wait to learn more about the costume industry. Perhaps, it could inspire a career?
We will see. 

Check out the blog every Sunday for more A Wish Come True updates! I will take a few pictures this week because these costumes really are magnificent!

Enjoy your week!

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