Wednesday, October 10, 2012

QVC and Me!

I'm going to be honest, I was terrified to go on co-op. Although I scored the job that I wanted, I couldn't help but feel like I was going to be overly stressed and worn out from work. QVC is in West Chester, PA and I have about an hour and a half commute from Drexel's campus. Not only was I worried about the commute, but I was worried about the people that I was going to be working with. I have had two other internships where I felt insignificant and I was not ready for that to happen again.

To my surprise, I arrived at QVC and all of my worries vanished. Even the commute isn't AS BAD as I expected. I catch up on listening to the radio which I really haven't done since I used to drive around in High School and the ride seems to fly by on certain days. I will admit that there are those days that I feel like I am never going to get to work or get home, but I really do believe that if you love where you work, it is completely worth it! The people here are pretty much the nicest people I've ever met/worked with in my life! They are appreciative for the work that I do and they are willing to help. Both of those things mean so much to me, especially after experiencing work atmospheres that made me want to cry.I am all for the hard work and long hours as well as criticism, after all, it is the fashion industry! (But there is a time when the stress gets to people and I am so thankful not to have to deal with that here.)

On my first day, I was introduced to all of the people that I would be working with. I work in the Public Relations department where we deal with getting placements for our products, whether it is in Monthly Magazines or Daily News, even a mention on the Radio is something that we work to make happen. I love that it combines my two passions: Fashion and Writing! I get to be creative and pick out items to send for certain stories as well as collaborate on Press Releases. Last week, I even got to help on a photo shoot! I feel like so many doors have been opened for me here, and it has only been two weeks!

Our big event that is going on right now is FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of New York). QVC partners with FFANY and has a half-off designer shoe of the day every weekday in October and the net proceeds benefit breast cancer research and education. Next Monday is the FFANY Shoes on Sale event in NY where this years' PSA spokesperson, Nicole Richie, will be supporting the cause. In preparation for this event, I have gotten to see the shoes that will be going on sale as well as tracking any coverage that has been publicized. I love that I get to see things before they are made public and the fact that I am already working on pitches to go in Magazines in February and March.

Another interesting thing for me is that I am not only working with fashion. I am also working with beauty, home and electronics! I hear a lot of people in the office talking about different recipes. I like learning about the different features of PR and seeing the result of how very important it is to have for a company. Everything from press releases to book signings (currently there is a chef with a new cookbook and that is all anyone is talking about here) is under the realm of PR and I am happy to be a part of it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry about that! My google account messed up publishing my comment! But it read something like this:

    Lisa, it sounds like you are having a great experience! Is PR the field you want to go into? For fashion only or anything else? But the photo shoots and book signings all seem like you are getting a multi-faceted experience which is awesome and very beneficial!

  3. I don't miss that commute! It sounds like you are doing a ton there and definitely learning. Do you get to write anything? Where is the PR department located? My department was on the building's left on the first floor. You should definitely check out some of the seminars that pop up though. They're pretty interesting and insightful!

  4. I'm thinking that for now, I'll stick with PR. It was never the field I thought I would go into, but I really have grown to love it. I think part of the reason why I love it so much is because it is all the behind the scenes work that makes everything happen but a lot of people don't realize what goes into making an event happen or getting the word out about it. I haven't gotten to write too too much, but I'm thinking that I will get the chance at some point.

    Anna, I'm to the right as soon as you walk in the side door. I think that I would have been right across from you! My back sits towards the window so every single person that walks past can see me...that's probably the only negative thing haha
