Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Week of Troubleshooting

     This week at work has been pretty hectic. Our business manager has been out sick, and she is a very vital part of our business. As a result, I've had to use a lot more resources than usual to figure out the solutions to all of my issues at work (such as those with orders, our accounts, our B2B site, etc.). I naturally am a very resourceful person, but there's not many resources you can use aside from coworkers when working with B2B issues. It has not only been a challenge for me, but also to my co-workers who have been working there for years. Each person within the Full Circle Group LLC/The North Face has a very specific job, that can't always be easily done by other people. I've been in contact with our Reps that don't work out of our West Chester office everyday and our customer service representative from The North Face more than I ever have before. This week has really put me in touch with more people than usual, and has also really enabled me to understand the dynamic between the company I work for, Full Circle Group LLC, and the company we represent, The North Face.
       Tomorrow, I will also be mailing out all of our Baselayer samples to a group of accounts. I will be reaching out to them to hear their feedback in two weeks, and hopefully those accounts that didn't order baselayer this year, will order it once they try out our F13 samples. I'm looking forward to all the networking I will be able to do as a result of this project. Hope you all have a good week!

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