Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Wish Come True- Last Photo Shoot, Final Countdown

Hey everyone! It has been a long week already with that hour change! But I hope everyone has enjoyed this warmer weather.

I have been working hard, getting stuff ready for tomorrow's photo shoot, as well as doing PPSS size-set markers and the usual tasks. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is my last photo shoot and that I am almost to my last week. I cannot believe how fast these last six months have flown by! I really have appreciated every minute of it, even though some days my tasks are tedious and boring, while other days are much more exciting. I truly have gotten a real work experience and I feel as though I have evolved as a Design and Merchandising major.

Tomorrow's photo shoot will consist of only older girls, meaning all size SA (small adult). We have nine models coming in with about 6 costumes to each girl. It will certainly be a long day, but since the maturity of the girls will be higher than those of the younger girls, I am hoping it will go rather smoothly. I did all my usual preparations, including preparing the make-up room, setting the jewelry out, and stocking the fridge with soda.

I really am not ready to go back to classes. I know that I am going to miss A Wish and all the people there. It is crazy how comfortable you get working every day. Co-op has had its perks, as well as its downfalls, but I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given.

I hope everyone has a good St. Patty's Day!


1 comment:

  1. i didn't know you have a blog! I have one too lol. Its a technology blog though i dont know if youll like stuff on it, Ryan might.
