Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Getting into the Swing of Things

I have been at QVC for over a month now, and I feel like I am finally getting into the swing of things. Granted, the hurricane messed me up for a few days because I was not here, but nevertheless I think that I now know the schedule of what goes on during a normal day. As I said in my last post, no two days are exactly identical here because things are constantly changing, but there are some things that do stay pretty regular.

For instance, I try to leave my apartment by 7:15am at the latest. Yesterday, I left before 7 and got here so quickly and was able to stop for coffee, but after that time, traffic gets pretty heavy not to mention the parking lot here fills up quickly and for some reason Tuesdays are the most crazy. I've heard that it's because that is when the most vendors are here. Typically, I go get breakfast at the cafeteria and everyone else doesn't get here until around 9:15. I like having about a half an hour in the mornings to settle down after my morning commute.

I usually have emails in my mailbox from the previous day from anything that I shipped that day. UPS sends confirmations letting me know that my packages have been sent out. The unfortunate thing is that these emails don't come until after 5pm most of the time and that is when I leave. In the beginning, I used to really get nervous if I didn't stay to forward the confirmation emails to my supervisor but now I have grown to accept the fact that I can just send them the following morning.

Last week, we got new perfume samples for one of the designers we carry and it was my job to package them in small boxes and then fill bigger boxes with crinkle paper and put the smaller box in that crinkle. The presentation of things such as this is super important because we send them to editors to try out and then hopefully talk about in their publication. Yesterday, it was my job to send all of those boxes out and of course the UPS site was down! We cut it very close when I was printing out and attaching the shipping labels to the boxes. The one thing that I had to be very conscious of when I was doing this was that the right shipping labels were placed on the right boxes because there were personalized notes inside for the editors. Long story short, it could be a disaster if the wrong editor got a note because then it shows that we don't respect them and why would they help us out and place a product if we can't even get their name right. This is very much a part of Public Relations because it is all about saying and doing the right things for the right people.

Tomorrow is the weekly photo shoot and we have some great new fashion and jewelry samples to shoot. I already saw a few pieces that I know will give me some trouble on the mannequin. There are two maxi skirts that definitely need to be steamed and I'm hoping that they aren't stubborn with releasing their wrinkles! That's all for now. I hope everyone else is starting to feel as comfortable as I am with my co-op!

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