Thursday, November 1, 2012

Inconvenient Sandy

Today's post will be pretty short today since I didn't work Monday and Tuesday due to Hurricane Sandy.  The office is currently closed, so I will not be coming in until next Friday.  I'm not sure if there is any damage to the office or not, but last Friday people covered up the windows.  I know that some of the trains still aren't up and running as well.  Hopefully Bolt Bus will be back on schedule next week!

Last Friday I had the chance to pack a few samples for our factories overseas.  Each sample is placed into its own bag with all of the fabric needed to create it.  It's important to double check everything that is being shipped since it would definitely set back production times.  Also included with the samples are its cutter's must sheet which are garment specifications.

I am starting to get really close with my boss, Kathy, and the other women that work in the office.  I will definitely be sad to leave in December.  There is actually an opening in our department and Kathy has told me she is going to recommend me, but what bums me out is that I won't be graduating anytime soon!  It really is such a tease!  I mentioned in my first post that I haven't gone on co-op yet.  To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous for A Round opening up on Saturday.  I did, however, apply to a ton of internships today from previous contacts and through emails found on designers' websites.  I'm crossing my fingers!


  1. I can definitely relate to the last paragraph of your post. I love my job and I really don't want to leave it in March, along with all the people I work with. Good luck applying to Co-ops!

  2. Hey Anna!! Long time... no see or talk!! Lol sounds like everything is going really well for you though. Very excited for you :)! I love New York, I finsihed my co-op in September and was sad to leave the company... but it might not be good. Think about it that way, I think it sounds like you have made a really good impression and apply when you graduate if you'd still like to!

    Hurricane Sandy was a major inconvenience... I was without power for 3 days before flying to Hong Kong!! It was a little crazy. But glad my flight wasn't cancelled. Definitely exchange contact information with everyone you can before you leave. I did with my co-op and I think they will be some of the best connections for a long time..

    Hope I see you during winter term !!
