Hey from Free People!
This week was definitely a crazy one. Our first launch for March is next Thursday
(the 7th), so my main goal this week was making sure everyone had
seen the garments for photography and copy, and send them off to the DC. This is a pretty daunting task when the
launch has 94 items in it. You have to
account for each one on the Product Order, highlight it, and box it up. It took 4 heavy boxes to get everything
shipped out, but it is kind of fun packing up all these treasures, knowing that
someone will be owning them soon!
It’s a lot of pressure on me to keep track of everything and
control the product, even though I am only here two days a week. We have over 200 items in store for April,
and I have to enter, photograph, and label each one. Each time I come to work, the piles get
higher and higher. I have to admit I am
lucky though; I get to play with clothing that is in absolutely beautiful
condition, and totally lust after it (especially all the exciting prom dresses
that we are going to be selling in April!!).
Besides the stressful art of working on 4 sets of
launches (Two for March and two for April), we are still trying to have some fun
around here. Wednesday was my boss’s
birthday. Julie loves chocolate, so
everyone in the buying department either baked or bought her some tasty
treats. Below is a picture of the
massive feast we had! It is so nice to
work at a company that treats their employees so well, and all the co-workers
are so nice to each other.