Friday, February 22, 2013

The Butterfly Effect

Recently, more and more I am woken with the fact that my time in New York is dwindling by the day--I have a little more than a month left here. That being said, it really is strange how fast time goes by when you aren’t taking the time to notice it. I assume this happens a lot when living in such a quickly moving city. This leads me to quoting Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

So, upon realizing my departure from New York is quickly headed my way, I have tried to make a point to doing something productive and exciting every weekend. Whether that be, visiting a different part of the city, trying out new restaurants or places, and even partake in a few touristy things.

A few weekends ago, some friends and I had what felt like a perfect NYC Saturday. The morning began with classic New York Bagels followed by a plan to go to a museum. New York is filled with various museum options but this particular day we decided to go to The American Museum of Natural History. They currently have a butterfly exhibit happening so this was our deciding factor. Its an extra charge to view this exhibit, however, rest assured it is worth while. The butterfly room is around 85 degrees, so leave your coats at the door. You can stay inside as long as you’d like and if you wait long enough they might land on you. Luckily for my bright blue sweater and I, this happened to me. The butterfly stuck around and found my arm to be a perfect mate…… So needless to say my Saturday morning was eventful.

It had snowed a lot the day before, so the city was still covered in the innocence of the snow. Following our museum trip, we walked around Central Park. The scene was exactly as you’d imagine New York on a snowy Saturday. People playing catch, kids sledding, couples taking walks through the park, and a group of 4 college girls taking pictures while taking it all in. This has been one of my favorite Saturdays in the city thus far.

We ended the night by going out with a few friends and casually hanging out at a friend's apartment who had fish swimming in their floors.

Someone please tell me again, why would I ever leave New York? xx

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