Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Wish Come True- Lights, Camera, Pose

Hello everyone! This week has started off really well! The photo shoot was Monday and it was successful.

I made sure on Friday that the hair and make up tables were properly set up. I taped up the hair list, as well, so the stylists would know which model gets which hairstyle in the right order! Then I proceeded to set up the photo shoot room. I helped Amber, one of the graphic designers, clean up the room. We had to put away a bunch of props used for the photo shoots and pull out the ones that we would need. Along with getting the room ready, I set out all the jewelry for the shoot: headbands, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and different types of cuffs since we were shooting some hip hop styles.

Another small task that I always do the work day before photo shoots is putting the sodas in the fridge. There are usually a lot of thirsty models and waiting parents, so I stock the shelf with soda. It is a minor detail, but you would be surprised at how much is gone by the end of that day!

On Monday morning, I made sure to get there at 7 am. Two models and the stylists were there getting ready when I walked in. I checked the last few costumes that had been put in the room and placed them with their proper model. I even pulled a few pairs of shoes for the first girls that would be going! Then, a mom came up to me and told me that her daughter had to leave at noon. This particular model was scheduled for quite a few different styles. The solution to this was to push through as many as we could and move up some of her styles on the schedule.

The rest of the day was really busy! I was all over the place between finding shoes, telling girls which costumes to wear, and checking in hair and make up to make sure the girls were ready! What really made this shoot stand out for me was that I had so much responsibility. I was consulted on whether or not I thought a certain shoe looked bad or if a certain hat was too much. I gave my opinion and it was respected and taken under consideration. Also, I even made decisions with Steph on what styles to push forward and which ones we wanted to get done quickly! I was busy, but I loved it!

After 10 and a half hours, we finished shooting and I cleaned up the rooms and went home! I even took home a pizza pie because no one had eaten it! It was an awesome experience and I am so grateful to have gotten the opportunity!

Have a great week!

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