Thursday, February 20, 2014


Everyone's Fashion Week posts are making me really wish I had taken a job in New York or at least had the chance to experience a high fashion co op job for a week.  There are so many benefits to seeing that aspect of the fashion world.  I would love to see designer collections before they are released and have the opportunity to mingle with some of the biggest names in the industry, but because I work in corporate fashion, I don't have those same opportunities and the CEO's are just normal business men.  There are some things I really do enjoy when it comes to this market.  I like knowing I will only have to work from 9am- 5pm everyday and having a very causal dress code.  Being able to wake up with the knowledge I can thrown on some leggings and Uggs and that it a totally acceptable thing to wear to work is always comforting (that's only happened once btw). 
Reading posts about high fashion co ops always makes me wonder which industry I would enjoy working in more.  As some one who does not like to work at night and hates morning I definitely feel that corporate fashion suits my lifestyle better but who doesn't want the chance to be walking into a fashion show behind Anna Wintour (that was amazing Jaclyn).  Throughout my whole co op experience, one thing I have learned is that I really hate being behind a computer all day and I would like to do something more artistic and hands on, which will now be a very important factor in choosing a job once I leave college.  Whether my dream job be in New York at a designer label, or in a corporate office somewhere else, co op has definitely put me one step closer to figuring out what type of job I would like to try once I graduate. 


  1. You will find your place, give it time and try everything at least once. You have a bright future ahead of you, have faith that every situation thrown your way is for the best and you can't go wrong. Life is all about experimentation, and I have confidence that you will create your own recipe for success. Like many have said before, it's about the journey not entirely the destination.

  2. I felt the same way shortly after I returned from co-op and heard of everyone's experiences from New York. I too was working for a buyer and spent my days in a windowless building, in a grey cubicle in front of a computer. To be honest, now most of my time is spent in front of a computer as well, but at least I'm right next to a window! The experience you'll gain working behind-the-scenes in a buying office is invaluable, I promise. Everything in this industry is intertwined in some way and I can assure your new skill sets will be an asset regardless of the career path you choose to pursue. I should know, my buying background didn't seem to hinder me at all!

  3. Diana, I think that by taking on this opportunity you are one step closer to figuring out what you want to do. Trust me, there are parts of my job that aren't my favorite, but they have shown me what I don't want to be doing in my future. Even though I still don't have a definite plan or idea what I want to do, knowing what I dislike is equally as important. Thankfully, these opportunities lead us one step closer. It may take a little while, but we will figure it out.
