Monday, November 24, 2014


Thanksgiving. Nothing else has to be said. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I can barely contain my excitement. I have co-op today and Wednesday I am done at 3pm, and then I am free! The Office is closed and I don’t have to come back until next Wednesday! Seeing from all of my exclamation points, you can see I am extremely excited. I cannot wait for time off. I know that sounds like I had my co-op, but I don’t hate it, I am just exhausted. Working all day really does make you tired, even if you are sitting at a desk all day. I also miss my family. I don’t live far away at all, but I barely see them and it will be great to be able to be home.

After my short break from work, I will have to come back and work until December 24th. Since I am not paid, my co-op is giving me from December 24th to January 2nd off, which I think is great. I will be the only intern here after December 15, so I will be very lonely and probably have to take out the trash by myself for a while. I am writing about all of this because last week was honestly very boring. Nothing happened in the office that was too exciting, except a birthday party that included wine and cheese. I hope everyone else’s week was a little more exciting than mine and I hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree I could not be more excited for Thanksgiving. I'm so tired too and cannot wait to sleep in and rest while being home. I'm going to be the only intern after December 15th too! All the other interns internship ends. I'm going to miss them so much! Then a new cycle of interns will come after Christmas. I hope they're as nice as the ones I made friends with.
