Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nothing Like Feeling Appreciated

It is crazy to me how fast my experience at Tommy Hilfiger is passing by. By this time, I feel like I finally have the ins and outs of my duties down and I have made connections in several different departments of the company. With graduation approaching this June, it is so refreshing to have found a sector within the fashion industry that I have fallen head over heels in love with. Not only has my job been incredible, but the people I work with fall nothing short of amazing! They encourage me to work my hardest, have fun with each opportunity, and make independent decisions that actually matter.

This week I will be working on a still shoot for the photographs that will enter the spring 2015 directives, instructing stores on how to style their product. I was ecstatic last Friday when I heard that I would be working on set with the team that I had started my first week with. As soon as I arrived on refurbish, my supervisor brought me back to the studio to inform the stylists and photographer I would be working with them yet again. The team works with plenty of interns from all different departments so my supervisor tried to reintroduce me to each of the team members, but was cutoff by the photographer who stated, "Oh, we remember her, she did an amazing job!" At that moment, I felt on top of the world with the biggest grin on my face, extremely appreciative of his kind words.

I went on to carry out the tasks I knew needed to be done; prepping, steaming...the usual. Every now and then the womenswear stylist would ask my opinion on how I thought we should style certain pieces and offered advice on standards from the company. The best part of the day was when she asked if I could style all of the polos for a group shot after she said she was so pleased with how I had done it last time. As if I wasn't excited enough at this point, I had asked the stylist on what she wanted as far as placement and color order, to which she replied, "You can do whatever you want, it's your shot!" What a way to end the work week! At that moment, I truly felt like part of the team.  There really is no sensation greater than being appreciated. I look forward to working this week, a feeling that I hope to have with my career after graduation. Spring 2015 directives, I'm ready for you!


  1. Congrats on doing well at the photo shoot. That's so exciting and everyone you work with thinks you're really good at it. Do you think you would like to do photo shoot styling as a profession? It seems like the photo shoot was a lot of fun. I haven't been to a photo shoot yet and not sure if I will because we don't really do photo shoots at my co-op. It sounds like an incredible experience. I really want to style a photo shoot one day and hope I'll be able to do it at some point.

  2. Thats fantastic that you are being recognized and you are doing well with your coop! I agree that it is always nice to hear words of encoragement no matter how small (or in your case big!) they are. Do you feel as though having previous experience on coop is helping you do even better with this job? It's also great that you are having so much success in a department that you are excited about and what to presue in the future. I'm sure this first expereince will be extremely helpful for job hunting come the end of your senior year. Congrats again and hope things continue to get even better!

  3. Congrats on the photo shoot! While it's true that us interns do often get less desirable tasks assigned to us, it's stuff like this that makes it all worth it in the end and/or gives us hope. I'm so glad you posted this! (Maybe some upcoming Co-Op students will see this and have some anxiety alleviated :) Yay.)
