Thursday, October 24, 2013

Falling In Love With Fall

     I always told myself that I didn't like the fall simply because it meant summer was over and the weather began getting cold.  To my annoying realization, I have loves the fall thus far.  I love football season, I love hot chocolate, I love pumpkin spice coffee, I love scarves, and I really love halloween costumes.  This past Saturday my friends and I ventured to South Street for Philly's annual Oktoberfest.  There were thousands of people, the cutest dogs, live music, every kind of food truck on the planet, and a plethora of beer and cider distributors.  We spent the day relaxing, people watching, and just having an overall great time.
     To our excitement, the festivities weren't stopping there, for the next two weeks Halloween celebrations will be taking place.  I am most excited for this Friday where my boyfriend and I will be dressing up as Adam and Eve.  As most people know the best Halloween costumes are homemade and this one is turning into a giant arts and crafts project.  Spending over 30 dollars on fake leaves and a fake apple which costs more than any real one.
     On top of all of that, Tuesday I had my favorite day of work so far.  I was sent to a store location and given to opportunity to spend the day changing floor sets.  We changed mannequins, put out new samples, posted all new signage, steamed clothing, and did basically anything to make the store look perfect for the walk through that would take place later in the day.  I really enjoyed working with the visual team; they couldnt be any nicer or more fun to be around.  Fall might just be turning into my favorite season!


  1. That sounds like so much fun Diana! I can't believe you made your costume yourself because it looked like a pretty big project. Also I'm glad to see you had such a positive attitude with floor sets, I know when I worked retail I hated waking up early and doing them.

  2. I regrettably admit that I have just tried the pumpkin spice latte for the first time this fall! I am in love! I cannot believe that I have been missing out on it for such a long time! I am glad that you are learning to love fall – it is my favorite season of them all. It is nice that you can appreciate something that you once before did not!
