Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finding a Balance

“Say yes and you’ll figure it out afterwards” are the wise words of Tina Fey. I follow this statement and it is so true. Say yes to every opportunity that feels right to you whether you have a plan is irrelevant, just take it and figure everything else later. Last fall I took the responsibility of assistant recruitment director in my sorority and everything was calm until this past week. My schedule became super hectic. But, hectic might be an understatement. Recruitment was happening and it was tiring to say the least. On top of working full time I had to go home and work just as hard rather than getting a chance to wind down from my day. Normally when I get home, I make dinner with my roommates and just relax because we are all on Co-op so it’s nice to just hang out. This week I had to reenergize quickly and talk to close to 400 people with a huge smile, being tired wasn’t an option. Each night started at 6pm and went to 10pm but after everything was said and done I went to bed close to 2am the first night and 4am the second night and then woke up early the next day for work. I am so lucky that my Co-op is flexible enough that if necessary I can leave early to get back for recruitment but sleep is just something I had to sacrifice to get through the weekend.

When recruitment ended I was definitely beat but I was proud that I worked really hard at work to make sure I wasn’t missing hours by going in early and staying late before recruitment started. Even though I was allowed to leave early on Thursday and Friday I wanted to work extra hours to show that sorority responsibilities wouldn’t affect my work.

When you have such an important role on campus like helping plan recruitment, and you have responsibilities at work, finding a good balance is necessary. You can’t let one position consume your time even when things pick up. I think overall since I prepared my schedule properly the week went as smoothly as possible. But now it’s time to rest up and prepare for the sales meeting in Lake Tahoe next week. Even though I have to work while I’m there it will be so nice to go out to California after working hard with recruitment! 

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