Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Familiar Sights Seen With New Eyes

Here I am, back in Philly, six months later. If I had known my internship was going to be as good as it was, I cannot confidently say that I would have enrolled at Drexel for Fall semester! It is amazing how time moves so fast, I feel as though I need to be marking off the days one by one as they pass in order to truly accept the fact that they are gone. The first week of classes have reminded me how much I enjoy being on the other side of the classroom, not as the teacher but as someone who is employed, someone who has a career.

Moving back to Philly is like catching up with an old friend, once you get acquainted you feel as though you were never apart. I am living with a fellow Design & Merchandising Drexel student and good friend of mine in an apartment close to campus with her 6 month old kitten, Puma. To say he is cute would not do him justice. I grew up in a household that always had pets, I cannot remember a time in my life coming home without being greeted by a dog, a cat, and/or both, at times multiples of each. Coming home to lovable, adorable, playful and extremely mischievous Puma has really made the transition from living at home with family to being back at school in an apartment an easy one. Though I have done this three times already, it still does take a little bit of time to get used to. 

I was a little hesitant to living with a friend before I took the plunge. I have heard many insane stories about friendships gone wrong when living together, and the last place I want to be surrounded by stress is in my own home. These past few weeks have gone very smoothly, however, and I am so happy I chose to live with someone I get along with, someone I can relate to and have fun with, but someone who I know will respect my privacy when needed. Let's hope it's smooth sailing from here on out, and I wish anyone who has a roommate(s) the same!

Mr. Adorable himself 

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