Monday, November 4, 2013


After years of reflecting on my individual struggles, I’ve realized that one major hurdle is my struggle to achieve professional and personal balance. As someone who works as an unpaid intern, I find it beneficial to have a second job (paid) in conjunction with my co-op. Since February of this year, I have been working at Henri Bendel in King of Prussia.  I love my job and the people I work with; however, with the holiday season approaching it is becoming increasingly difficult to have a perfect balance between working two jobs and finding time for myself.  

Lately, I have become more appreciative of the time I have off.  I value the smaller moments, whether it’s watching an hour of television at night or catching up on the latest Miley Cyrus drama.  However, I also value the more monumental times, such as visiting friends in New York or nights out in the city with family. I am constantly reminded of how important it is to find alone time and to make the most of the present. 

Though I invest most of my time into work, I could not be happier.  By working at Henri Bendel I have formed lasting relationships and acquired countless skills.  I understand the importance of a larger company and the rules that coincide with working under a corporation.  It is also enlightening to see the smaller side of a business.  I am grateful to work at Nicole Miller Philadelphia and look forward to the connections I can make in this city.  Moving forward, I hope to find the perfect balance of work and play.  I will take advantage of opportunities in front of me and look to create crazy memories that lie ahead of me.


  1. Allegra, I also struggle to find a balance between my work and social life. I think it is great that you have realized this about yourself and are able to appreciate the time you have off. I also feel like I value my weekends so much more since having a full time job. It is always great to take two days to yourself. If you ever need to get out of Philadelphia you are more than welcome to stay with me- you know that :)

  2. This post brought so many memories back; I am so happy to here you are loving Henri Bendel! Holiday at King of Prussia was honestly my favorite time of the year, regardless of the fact that you are constantly running around it is such a fun and joyful period to be working! Also, I can totally relate to your Miley Cyrus comment, she is probably one of the most intriguing people.
