Sunday, November 24, 2013

Market Week Fun!

With the holidays coming, everyone is working hard with the buyers to help them with assortments to get ready to place their buys. Friday we had the pleasure of meeting with the Men's buyers from Bloomingdales and Macy's, it was a full day of planning assortments and then making plans on how everything would merchandise on the floor. It was a really fun experience because these buyers don't just buy for the East Coast, they buy for the entire country so they have to consider every customer that would potentially walk through their doors. We then had to discuss sales such as the Macy's One Day Sale that just recently happened and what the sell throughs are and what we should adjust merchandise wise for next fall. 

It was fun because I know what's going to be in stores from The North Face next year and I can't wait to see it all. I love selling to these buyers because when I see people walking around in The North Face anywhere between New York to Maryland, I know that the people I work with helped put those jackets, or backpacks, or shoes in the stores for everyone to buy!

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