Thursday, November 7, 2013

Embracing Change

Naples, FL
Last Sunday night I took an Uber (car service) from the airport after my trip to Naples, Fl. Uber by the way is the most convenient/reliable/reasonable mode of transportation I have yet experienced, especially to and from the airport. I was not very thrilled to be coming back to the city after my relaxing weekend in Florida, nor did I want to wake up early for work. I constantly have these conflicting interests whenever I travel down south to visit my family, one day I can’t stand NY and I want to move back to Florida and the next day it is vice versa. I sometimes wish I had two lives where I could spend one in NYC and the other in the sunshine state, or maybe I should just consider becoming a snowbird! Anyway, today I was able to pull myself together and get back on track with the city life; I tend to forget especially after being away what a tough little city New York can be. 

However, what really keeps me going in this city are my experiences at co-op. Since I have worked in ecommerce, I have realized how quickly this industry changes and how hardworking the people are in it. Ecommerce in particular can be a beast, and I am happy to be disciplined by it and acquire the transferrable skills it has to offer. These past couple of weeks have been all about change, change, and change. If you haven’t already heard, Saks Fifth Avenue finalized their merger with Hudson’s Bay Co. on Monday, the entire executive team was replaced and their are many plans to change the infrastructure of the company. I had the opportunity to attend a town hall meeting with the new Chief Executive Officer, Richard Baker. He said something that I absolutely loved, “we always have to listen to the boss, the boss being our customer; if the customer is not happy shopping in our stores, he/she will fire us all.”  I feel very fortunate to be a part of this organization like Saks Fifth Avenue, at times it can be overwhelming to work for a bigger company, but I have to remind myself that this is the beauty of it. As things continue to evolve here at Saks Fifth Avenue, I will continue to prompt myself to embrace the change and enjoy the ride.


  1. That picture of Naples is absolutely beautiful. My body is CRAVING the warm rays of the sun so bad, I am not looking forward to the winter months ahead :| The one thing I am looking forward to however is the winter wardrobe. Out with the tanks and sandals and in with the boots and scarves! Trying to stay positive any way I can!

  2. I completely agree Adria, being positive is key! I have also been saving my new winter boots for the perfect day to wear them, no more flip flops for me.
