Monday, November 4, 2013

Work Hard and Be Nice

I started my position at Marc Jacobs International this past Friday. Already within the first day I have learned so much about how the design team and sample room operate. For the first two months I will be assisting the design team and then I will be moving over to the sample room until the end of March. I was pleasantly surprised with how much responsibility I was given on my first day. It is a great feeling to be trusted by a company I deeply admire. I already feel like I have learned so much and I am eager to learn even more as my time progresses.

Aside from the skills I will acquire throughout my internship, I was also reminded of a valuable lesson while I was working in the sample room. Pinned to the bulletin board above my work station read the quote, “work hard and be nice to people.” I always try and make a conscious effort to live my life according to this phrase. I was raised to look at everyone equally and to treat him or her with the same respect I would hope to receive. Such a simple task of being a generous person is often forgotten, especially when climbing the ladder and holding a higher position in society. I look up to the individuals who possess a humbling spirit when speaking to others below them. I feel blessed to be a part of a work environment that truly practices this motto. Seeing the manner in which all of the employees and interns interact with one another has given me a positive perspective on a company culture I admire and respect.


  1. Jaclyn, I think it is great how you can find inspiration in the most unexpected places. I think the phrase "work hard and be nice to people" is very suitable for the fashion industry. I know you will follow these words, and I can't wait to hear more about Marc Jacobs!

  2. That is great that you have already been given so much responsibility on only the first day! I know that one of the things that I was disappointed by when starting out at my company is that I was not given a lot of opportunity at first and I still have not received that much. However, I am slowly gaining more and more responsibilities - slowly but surely! I am sure that you will also be gaining more and more duties, so it is great that they have already started you off on the fast track!
