Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Free at Last

When I initially arrived to New York City I was always curious as to why it was considered "the City that Never sleeps".  However from being here I have learned that saying does not just apply to the convenience of everything being accessible at all times.  But to the lifestyle of the people.  As a New "New Yorker" I find myself having a hard time assimilating to the long days and short nights that the workers of New York city are accustomed to.  When I work at RT for my two days out the week I literally feel like there is not enough time to do all of the necessary things that need to be handled in my personal life.  For example sleep is a big topic I am up from 7am to 12 am, non stop all day and even when I would like to fall asleep I can not.  I think that all New Yorkers encounter this sleep deprivation.  Thus they are cranky and are always  in a constant  rush.  It is now apparent to me why this is the "City That Never Sleeps",  the work days here are so long and stressful that you never can wind down.  Which is why this week My trip to Rhode Island was a great juxtapostion to the hectic environment of NYC. I stayed there for about three days with a good friend and as each day went by so did my physical presence, then poof I was gone back in New York City.  However although it was brief it will be everlasting in memory for it has brought me an abudance of peace to last me for the months to come.

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