Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Third Week

So, being a few weeks into this internship, things are beginning to become routine. I know my duties, I know my deadlines, I know where everything is, etc. At this point I’ve started to be given small projects to undertake. I like these new challenges and the opportunity to use my organizational skills and be exposed to different aspects of the department. This week, my big project was to make contact lists on excel. We use a website that stores contacts but I’m organizing lists so it’s easier to edit and update on a weekly basis. Working with thousands of contacts can be overwhelming so this system will hopefully help make organization of those much better.

Another new task I tackled this week was sending images to publications in response to requests, which is called “placements.” I communicate with the contact on details of the article and shoot and send them high res images to best fit their needs. Then I update our record so we can track of it once it runs. Such a big part of PR is exposure and so it’s always interesting to see how such a small placement will get such a great response. (Or vise versa if a big placement doesn’t perform as well as expected.)

Sunny days at the Naval yard are the best. The building I work in has high ceilings and walls lined with windows so when the sun shines in the whole room is filled with sunshine, creating a bright and happy working environment. Also, sunny days mean eating lunch outside. Eating by the water with the sun and the breeze makes for the perfect break in the day. I’m looking forward to more days like this to come. :) 

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