Wednesday, May 8, 2013


As soon as my alarm went off this morning I was telling myself that I already did not feel like being bothered with today's task which includes: my morning commute to the city, the job and lastly my commute home.   I set my alarm clock for ten more minutes trying to buy me more time for no apparent reason when I know inside it was not going to make any difference. Especially when I looked up and noticed there was no sun shining through the blinds and realized there wasn't any and wouldn't be any because it was pouring down raining. It was then when I tried to think of every excuse not to go to work.  I even got up and went so far as to asking my aunt for excuses for me not to go in.  However she had ran out of all good excuses and it was then when I realized that work is not like school you can't just call out when it is raining or make excuses in the real world because you don't feel like doing something.  And that very thought is the motivation and the positive thinking I needed to get to work. The day here is slow even with all the work supplied.  I have sent out plenty of packages and have completed numerous task but not enough to keep the day moving fast enough.  Therefore I try to make myself look busy but even so there is always that one colleague who is constantly concerned with what your doing as if they don't slack when your not watching. 

Until next time...

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