Thursday, May 23, 2013

What to do on a rainy day in new york...go to the movies!

The summer weather of the east coast is slowly but surely arriving, but spring showers are inevitable. So what do you do when it rains and you are stuck inside? Walk through it and go to the movies! So I walked to the theater in the rain and waited in line to get my ticket. You are probably thinking... oh she went to see The Great Gatsby, well you are wrong. I saw Scatted My Ashes at Bergdorf's! It was truly spectacular!

Throughout the movie different fashion designers and employees of Bergdorfs were interviewed, sharing personal stories and connections they have with the store. My favorites included hearing about Linda Fargo and watching how she finds new designers for the store. The best part about her interview was when she told the story of how she was mistaken for being Anna Wintour. She talked about how she is no where near like Anna Wintour, in that she is friendly, doesn't need a army of body guards, or needs to wear sunglasses inside. She sounds like a normal person! Other stories you hear are how Michael Kors was discovered, the importance as a designer of having your clothes at Bergdorfs (Isaac Mizrahi says that you aren't anything if your are not at Bergdorfs), and the evolution of a family who created a destination that people flock to!

The most important aspect of the movie for me was the evolution of how the holiday season windows get put together. The movie features the whole process from brainstorming ideas to the actual installation. Anyone who has ever seen a Bergdorf window knows that these windows are not just windows, they are ART. Seeing how much craft and detail that goes into the design and execution of these master pieces is amazing.


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