Friday, May 17, 2013


So today I had another realization that is blatantly obvious but hit me like a concrete wall. 

I have a full time job. I am a full time employee. And though my title may include 'intern,' people expect just as much from me and want me to deliver it. I have just as much responsibility as my coworkers, just in different tasks. I am pretty much solely responsible for all things social media when it comes to Colour of London and though it seems fun, it is quite a demanding task. It actually is quite a challenge to get people to like your page and comment on your posts, and I am constantly experimenting with posting dates and times, different language, and various content (pictures, video, text posts, etc.). I am trying my best to be engaging but at the same time formal because it is constantly being monitored. To ensure more of a success rate of engagement I am going to tone it down a little and be more conversational/down to earth in the hopes that it will work. I had initially tried to separate my own voice from that of Colour of London however I am learning more and more that people do not want to read an automated message and the most down to earth content (such as me posting a picture of one of the guys from the band redoing his floors) get a good amount of feedback comparatively. Though they are nevertheless a talented band, they are up and coming so the main struggle with engagement is that the people that are following them are more so supporters than fans. So, I am going to use my judgment more, I have gotten more length on my leash and I have gotten this far with the same head on my shoulders. 

On another note, my boss told me today that I better be coming back after I graduate and I thought to myself wow that was awesome to hear. He always is appreciative of everything I do but very rarely gives feedback so that comment was enough of a validation that I am doing a good job.

ALSO, if anyone has any social media tips or any advice of what I should do/start implementing, please let me know! It does not matter if you are experienced or not, the knowledge that I have comes from my own personal use, experimentation, and suggestions from the Social Media Managers here at Alex and Ani. If you guys want to get an idea of what I have done so far check out the Colour of London Facebook page ( I do a lyric of the day post everyday along with some other additional content, usually a picture collage the guys send me or a live performance video. I also personally respond to any comments or messages we receive if the guys have not already. You can check out their music if you click the image that says BandPage, we have 2 songs up and more coming ASAP. They are releasing an EP within the next couple of weeks along with the launch of their website (which looks INCREDIBLE by the way), so until that exciting stuff is ready to be released I am down for any suggestions! 

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